Motherhood Week 182
Sitting on a bench in the rain
watching our umbrella fly away,
the long summer grass
is shadowed by the looming storm.
Silent smiles
No words
My boy
The twinkle in your eye gleams
like sunlight on the rippling brook,
where hands delve
to find stones to throw.
Misplaced water
My boy
I watch you grow,
away from me, knowing
my love won’t always be
allowed to be as close as it is now.
Hand received
My boy
Oh, to envelope this time.
This magical, exhausting, intimate time.
And keep it safe from memory’s
loose grip.
The truth
My boy
Your skin feels like a homecoming,
and I remember you
were once a part of me.
A part I can love so freely.
But do not belong to me,
you are your own man to become.
And separate we shall be.
You should separate from me.
But attached forever I will be.
My love,
My boy.
Motherhood Week 180